Sunday, 5 February 2012


Rockstar Games have confirmed GTA 5 will include Multiplayer. Other than that confirmation, no further details have been released, however because of their claim that GTA 5 will be their "biggest and most ambitious game yet", we can speculate that the multiplayer will also be improved upon.

What We Can Expect

The regular/generic multiplayer modes will probably make a return, such as;
  • Deathmatch
  • Team Deathmatch
  • Race
  • GTA Race

Online Mini Games

There's also a chance Rockstar learned from fans wishes with Red Dead Redemption and included mini-games like Poker in online play. If this was implemented in GTA IV it would have been the equivellant to playing bowling or pool with someone over the internet. While we don't know which mini games will be included in GTA 5 - although it looks like we may be able to play golf in GTA 5, there's a fair chance we may be able to play some of them online.

Golf In GTA 5
Could we play golf online in GTA 5 Multiplayer?

Possible New Online Modes

The inclusion of planes, and particularly fighter jets could lead to some exciting new online modes. Imagine a dog-fight above Los Santos by a pair of fighter jets? A game mode could include one person trying to stay alive as long as possible while flying away from everyone else in fighter jets. There's also the possibility of jet-ski races on the water.

Jet-Ski Racing?
Jet-Ski Races may play a part of GTA 5 Multiplayer


One feature that Rockstar have never really spent much time on in their games (besides San Andreas' mini-games) is single player co-op. It's possible a number of story missions will require more than one "main" character. Perhaps if you've got 2 controllers, one of your friends can take over the control of the secondary character. Or maybe there'll be missions specifically for online co-op, allowing you to play with a friend over the net. Imagine just cruising down the streets in your singleplayer game with your friend sat next to you as a random pedestrian... The possibilities are endless.

Possible Co-Op On GTA 5
Could the heist be a co-op mission?

Although none of this information has been confirmed or even hinted at, the fact that Rockstar are looking to make GTA V the best game they've ever done means there'll almost certainly be improvements made to the multiplayer and the inclusion of co-op could well be the major new feature which helps them to prove that point.

What would you like to see included within GTA 5's multiplayer?

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